Friday, July 8, 2011

The Sound of Animals Fighting

Tiger and the Duke (2005)

 Lover the Lord Has Left Us (2006)

 The Ocean and the Sun (2008)

If I could force you to listen to this band, I would.

I started jamming along with Tiger and the Duke back in 8th grade and I've only learned to grow and appreciate it even more since then. Another project of Anthony Green as well as members from RXBandits, Finch, and Chiodos.  Many other talented musicians have also contributed to the bands work, making each song and album genuinely new and curiously intricate. The band is on "indefinite hiatus", but Anthony Green has said that he would like to see the band work on some new material together, but has a lot of other projects to focus on at the moment. The band members have chosen to call themselves by names of different animals, Anthony Green being the Skunk, to create a sense of anonymity amongst fans. Although of course word got out, but still a cool concept in my opinion.

- Check out Rate Your Music to see band members
   including animal names here.
- Last.FM
- Lyrics
The Sound of Animals Fighting - "You Don't Need a Witness"   Live


  1. Hi, would you mind updating the first two albums "Tiger and the Duke" and "Love the Lord has Left us"? Thanks!!!
